MAANAS: Counselling Centre

ABOUT MAANAS: Psychological Testing and Counselling Centre



MAANAS centre is set up in College to guide students in various ways. The key areas in which MAANAS functions are:

Personal counselling: Counselling for students is an important activity that can have far reaching impact on the readiness to learn and profit from the academic endeavours. We have trained counsellors at the centre who can give personalized counselling sessions for a variety of problems, such as anxiety, depression, interpersonal difficulties etc.

Aptitude testing: Every individual is gifted with certain innate potentials, which, if nourished, can help the person actualize his/her self and thus achieve professional success and personal satisfaction. We, at MAANAS, use certain standardized aptitude test batteries to test the student in different areas to know where his/her potential lies. These tests give us valuable information about what field of study could be chosen so that the student enjoys the learning process. Especially in the month of April and May we conduct group aptitude testing for students of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th standard. The test needs about 3 to 4 hours and the students do not need to prepare before going in for an aptitude test. Remember, this is not an examination. It is a study of the innate gifts that you have!

Career guidance: Most people are not aware of the diverse fields that are available in terms of graduate and post graduate or diploma courses, as well as in terms of job or career opportunities. Especially important is the need to know oneself as a person and then to find out what kind of job suits one best. We couple aptitude tests with personality tests and prepare a profile of the person considering both. After a week of aptitude testing, we call the parents and students together for career guidance sessions, where we suggest educational and vocational options, depending upon the aptitude test results. We have had very positive feedback for a lot of parents and students whom we counselled in the past.

You can avail any of the above service by contacting Counsellor Mrs Himani Raichur at the email id :