Fergusson College (autonomous), Pune
SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active learning for Young Aspiring
Minds) is an online portal to provide best teaching-learning experience. SWAYAM is an initiative of Govt of India to promote access for
open-learning. Any learner can register to this portal for online courses.
The availability, of course, keeps on changing as it depends on the no of
institution, requirement of respective course, faculties and various other
factors. SWAYAM is an
instrument for a self actualization providing opportunities for life-long
learning. You can choose from hundreds of courses.
Our College has encouraged the students to avail SWAYAM
courses by providing an option as an elective course as a part of the
curriculum. This provides an opportunity for the students to explore various
courses of their choice and subject interests. These subjects can be taken as
extra credit courses / credit transfer courses / certificate courses.
SWAYAM Registrations
Year | Number of Registrations |
2018-19 | 125 |
Contact: Smt. Aparna Vaidyanathan Department of Computer Science UGC -MOOCS Mentor |
Ofiice: MOOCs Office RESOLVE Building, First Floor Tele No. 020 - 67656620 E-mail : fc_swayam@fergusson.edu |