
The College has earned an enviable reputation in teaching and research in the Sciences as well as in the Humanities. Students have a wide range of subjects to choose from in the Junior College as well as in Senior College wings. For ease in locating the academic programs at various levels, courses are grouped under Arts and Science streams.Fergusson College conducts classes right from Std. XI to Post Graduation. Certain departments provide research facilities leading to M.Phil. and Ph.D.

Special Programmes at PG Level(3 year duration)

1. M. C. A.
2. M. Tech. (Industrial Mathematics)

PG Diploma (1 year duration)

Counseling Psychology

Vocational Programmes at UG Level

1. B. Sc. (Physics) with Photography and Audio-Visual Production
2. B. Sc. (Electronic Science) with Electronic Equipment Maintenance
3. B. Sc. (Botany / Zoology / Chemistry) with Biotechnology

Autonomous Certificate Programmes of 1 year duration in

1. Photography
2. Women and Development
3. French / German / Japanese
4. Business English

Diploma Programmes in:

1.Counseling Psychology
2.Clinical Research
3.Food Analysis
4. Business English

Degree Programmes available at UG Level

Degree Programmes available at PG Level

B.A. B.SC. M.A. M.Sc.
1. Economics 1. Animation 1. Economics 1. Analytical Chemistry
2. English 2. Biotechnology* 2. English 2. Biochemistry
3. French 3. Botany 3. Marathi 3. Biotechnology
4. Geography** 4. Chemistry 4. Psychology 4. Botany
5. German 5. Computer Science* 5. Computer Science
6. Hindi 6. Electronic Science 6. Electronic Science
7. History 7. Environmental Science 7. Environmental Science
8. Marathi 8. Geology 8. Geology
9. Mathematics (Industrial)** 9. Mathematics 9. Microbiology
10. Philosophy 10. Microbiology 10. Organic Chemistry
11. Politics 11. Physics 11. Physics
12. Logic** 12. Statistics
13. Psychology 13. Zoology
14. Sanskrit
15. Sociology
16. Statistics (Applied)**
* Special degree courses,
** Not at special level